Monday, April 19, 2010

Z's new TAT design

I'm working on a new Tattoo design for my Big Timmy Z. I've pieced a few online images together and am in the beginning stages of fleshing out the missing parts, and altering the original images as well. What do ya think?

You may think Z is into dragons and such but I added the dragon so his secret of digging 1/2 naked dudes in gladitorial type armor doesn't get out.


James W said...

Any way you can get half naked dude to stick his rear end out there any more?

Nili said...

I recognize that image from the original D&D manual. Basic Rules, not "Advanced". Truly old school. Does that make me a dork? Don't answer that, I already know.

Timmy Z said...

Nili, that was exactly where I wanted it from. I dig that dragon.

O'Neill said...

Gary Gygax would be proud. Will be over in the corner with the other dorks if anyone needs me.

O'Neill said...