Sunday, September 23, 2007


This past saturday marked the last day that I play Texas Hold'em for highstakes. More specifically I'll not be falling under the spell of a player who goes "All In" trying to get you to bite and or fold in a fit of anticipation for the flop. We've come to a verbal agreement, and little N. at the end of the table won't be taking possession of the title for the Frankensteiner until she is legally able to drive. SO I'll be keeping my truck until that time. Should I not have the truck 14 1/12yrs from now...we'll just hope she has had long enough to forget about the whole incident. She is going to be keeping all the well as my shirt.

"All-In", "All-In", "All-In", "All-In", "All-In", "All-In",........ And then.... KaPow!!!! I'm broke!?

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