Thursday, December 7, 2006

Nuclear calzonies

Lazy dinner this evening consisting of two Lettieri's Stewarts bought Calzones, a microwave..3 minutes and a whole Mouthful of hurt. It seems to me that the only real way to extinguish a conflagration of taste buds is to liberally douse them with beer. I being at work don't have that option.... Damn you Calzonies...Damn you.

I do however now believe that with my current fusionous mouth hole.( After carefully thinking it over) I've fatefully sealed plans for the weekend, a paycheck an a hankerin' to go for a walk in the woods, perhaps an attempt at a twelve summit excursion is afoot. I'll be packing my things this evening and will head off for the trail head just before sunrise.

Thank you nuclear calzonies...Thank you

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