Sunday, May 20, 2007

Golf Outing

I haven't been able to pull out the clubs yet this year and for that I'm really kicking myself. It's been a long time since I held the omnipotent power of Mr. Shanky in my hands. Nothing screams fun louder than smashing a driver into a dimpled white ball and watching it rise 100yards straight out, then playfully hook 300yards to the right into the woods... or is that a slice? I bought a rescue wedge for such occasions and have named I the buzz saw. Golf is .... one shot in a hundred feeling good and looking even better. It's the reason I golf.
I'll have to get out once I move into the new whip. Windy Hill Country Club is the home course this year. Of course, as the name implies,....."it's inexpensive" and there is the occasional breeze.


Unknown said...

I'm okay with a little wind - seems to help my zigzag method. But, I try to avoid places that include any bodies of water in their name - lake, springs, pond, by-the-sea - all bad for me.

Shaggy Bob said...

I'm not a fan of Pumpkin.....or garden hose.

Unknown said...

Or backhoe...