Monday, May 28, 2007


The Inaugural Farmer's Daughter Come-one-Come-all Wiffle Ball Homerun Derby Challenge was moderately entertaining....HaH I lied it was freakin sweet.
Due to time restaints and a badass narsty wind the contest ended in favor of Farmer's Daughter icecream. No doubt the beating sun had something to do with it as well. I myself had a medium swirl waffle cone with extra sprinkles. The nice little lass at the counter that waited on me was attractive---except for the shit in her face. (Not a fan of facial jewelry..expecially it it involves lips, eyebrows, and what appears to be a cheek protrusion.) I didn't take any pics.
Grilled foods, a few beers, and a no holds barred wiffle ball crushin' hit it past the garden to score slugfest.

Rules: 5 outs per batter, you swing and miss yer OUT, you hit a grounder yer OUT, you hit it like a wimp and can't clear the imaginary line at the back of the garden..You're OUT. Clear that imaginary line and you're on the board.

Boone on top with a slugging average of somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse
Shaggy Smacked a bunch
D slugged a bundle
Jim broke a ball (I give him credit he entered the game late and smashed a bushel)
Joey opted after a few innings to sit, although he still made a good showing.
Lil Mac ran away with it

Longest hit goes to Boone, for clearing not only the garden, shed, and an apple tree (probably about 70ft) but for exposing his stark white ginormous belly and blinding the outfielders in the process. Allowing for extra airtime and no outfield interception.

And now.....I'm at work, which isn't exciting, so much as it's a place where I've relegated myself to be bitter that I'm not drinking beers and hitting a wiffle ball. I'm not a fan of hanging out then making myself leave to entertain the option of working. It was great to get out though and I'm thinking should it be an option to replay the event in the future I'll be able to make it out of the rack sooner than I did this morning. I feel akward that I just peaced out, but what are you going to do.

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