Thursday, December 7, 2006

Uncle Bob

I've just been in contact with a long lost family of friends, 7yrs ago I was at their wedding, I or they disappeared for numerous years, only to randomly run into eachother at a previous place of work. We got together a few times and rehashed old times, and updates and I got to meet their amazing adoped son H. I then moved on to a new jobby job and my current living situation and again I disappeared. Recently I learned they have a blog of family affairs, and jumped at the chance to see more updates and rekindle contact. Good Times. Hopefully we'll be able to get together before or just after they have the newest arrival to their family move to the States.
Since I don't get out much it's great to see old friends. Most have children, and without disclosing complete names I figured you all would love to see how many little neices and nephews I have out there.
K McG (soon to be amended with a slightly smaller sibling)

I don't think I forgot anyone and if I did I'm sure you understand. If anyone out there has a child and needs an Uncle Bob let me know and I'll make the trip. I'm gaggingly terrible changing diapers and am frightened to death of holding children that can't fall down on their own yet, seeing as how, I'm prone to that affliction myself at random times. I can read the hell out of Dr. Suess cuz I have a Wocket in my Pocket...and don't mind discussing your children and their funny moments while searching for the Yottle in my Bottle, no matter how many it takes or how many times it escapes sight unseen.

If I've recently attended your wedding i.e...the last two years you've all gotten a similar gift, which involved a humorous little quip that mentioned not doing anything I wouldn't do. ( I know, I know...that doesn't leave much) But it also means that you should get on the horse and get some more neices and nephews brewing for me. HAppy Humping


Kate said...

A one-step-removed "hi" to S&B&H... congratulations!!

My beasts are highly portable... any time you want a shipment for the weekend, you just let me know.

Sara said...

Thanks for the nod, Bob. Now I want to know who all of the other initials above belong to...

[And Hi, Kate! I've been reading your blog and I am really enjoying it...we should play catch up sometime. Congrats (albeit very belatedly) on your little ones, too.]